Power of the TONGUE
Being a woman God has given us a special calling and that is to be a help to our husband and children in the time of need. That's where the power of the TONGUE could build or destroy.
As women we have to be careful how and when we speak. At times we speak without thinking about the outcome after the words are spoken.
Tonight my husband was feeling a little down, instead of doing what he ask, and that was to pray for him, I spoke before I even new it. It silence him and me, the tongue kicked in and UH OH, I spoke to soon.
My Knight went upstairs to our Throne room and the opportunity to pray was at hand and I got right on it.
The POWER of Prayer, it's a very important key in my house hold, it help solve a lot of problems and it gives you peace, meditation is a great gift. After about 15 Min's the Knight came down a different man smiling, showing affection and said I love you, yes I love you after the slip of the tongue.
He's a great man and I love him with all my heart, That's my Knight.
So women be careful how we use the tongue it can be a help and also a burden, so we should use out God given gift, wisdom. God bless and have a Merry Christmas.