Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Library Day

The day started off great, the children got up, did their first assignment, life studies(chores). Got dress, fix breakfast and ate. We brush our teeth, we were on our way, until the knight awoken, he got dress and ask me if I could ride with him to the store. Throw my time off.

Today is library day we go to the library every Wednesday. This week the librarian stated story time and it started at 10:00a.m., so that meant we had to be there at 9:30am. Didn't make it, my knight didn't get me back until 9:45, we didn't reach the library until 10:00a.m. It all went well, it just threw my whole day off . We didn't leave the library until 12:30, we were suppose to be gone at 12:00. I love my life, it's one adventure after another. Let me get to the point, the library is part of our curriculum, reading is very important in our household. If you can read knowledge will follow. I let each blessing pick out six books, then I pick out two that I want them to read.

We're studying Maya Angelou for the next to weeks. My older blessings are reading books she wrote and giving their input about the book in their open journals, also their reading about her life as a poet. The next group is learning one of her poems, and the youngest group I'm reading her biography to them. Geography, we're learning about Japan. Math, 10th grader pre-algebra, 6th grader multiplications, 4th grader money and measurements, 2nd grader double digit subtraction, my kindergarten single digit addition, my pre-preschooler numbers. Read, Read, Read, Read that's what were doing in reading. Science were finishing our studies on plants and getting ready to start on the weather-Tornadoes. Art, all fall creations, from colorful leaves to pumpkins. Spelling each level to whom is required. Grammar/language art, we're all working on Nouns. So that's what were working on this week. God bless.


The Proverbs Wife October 4, 2007 at 6:22 AM  

Your lesson plan sounds great and so does your menu plan. Could you possibly be fond of organization? When I first read through your menu plan I thought your children prepared meals unattended. I am working with my 13 y/o showing her how to prepare meals and hopefully one day soon I can allow her to prepare a whole dinner. Right now she can pretty much handle lunch and breakfast. Your blog looks great.Thanks for stopping by.