I'm one for getting things done, and when they don't get done I get so stressed (not) I have gotten better with arranging my schedule.
I remember when I just had three blessings I was the queen of organization, every thing was in it's rightful place, then number 4,5,6 and then oh so #7. The stress hit the roof, I nurse them all, so when you talk about sleep forget about it, I think was was running on adrenaline for all 7. I thank God I had the energy and the love to care for them.
So back to my schedules I have to do thing in a order that helps me get through the day.
- I wake up at 5:00 a.m. some morning its at 4:25 a.m. I think my body is still on nursing mode, cause at times I still wake up every two to three hours
- Hour of Prayer
- Read my two scriptures for the day, Proverbs 3:5,6 and Philippians 4:13
- Check on oldest daughter to see if she needs help with any thing
- Go to work on my schedule
Things that I need and like to get done today October 16, 2008
Clean bathroom and mop floor
Clean and polish furniture
Clean our (knight and I) room, clean and polish furniture
Change bedding in our room, fabric fresh mattress and floor
Vacuum all rooms and dust
Wipe down walls, with the help of children every other week
Wash and fold three loads of clothes
Wash Jon and James’ hair
Clean yard and every other week spray clean outside windows
Help cook dinner, Jon washes dinner dishes, supervise by mom
Clean kitchen, change garbage bag if needed
Mop kitchen floor
Read my Bible and Meditate
This is a copy of my Daily list of Duties
Clean bathroom and mop floor
Vacuum kid’s floor and fabric fresh carpet
Wash windows, wipe windowpanes
Change bedding in all the kid’s room
Change bedding in our (knight & I) room
Vacuum and fabric fresh all mattress
Vacuum all other carpeted rooms and dust furniture
Wash three loads of clothes-fold and put away
Wash and trim Emmert’s and the boy’s hair
Help with dinner, Ashley cooks dinner, washes dinner dishes
Clean kitchen, change garbage bag if needed
Mop kitchen floor
Read my bible and Meditate
Take out trash
Clean bathroom and mop floor
Vacuum all rooms and dust corners of ceiling
Help children with there chores, supervise double check to be sure it’s clean
Wash works uniforms-iron and fold put away
Set out clothes for Church service, Prayer and bible class
Supervise by mom Andrianna help mom cook dinner, help washes dinner dishes
Clean kitchen, change garbage bag if needed
Mop kitchen floor
Read my Bible and Meditate
Clean bathroom and mop floor
Vacuum and fabric fresh sofa, love seat and chaise
Vacuum all rooms and dust
Wash/braid Andrianna, Emily, and Marcia’s hair
Clean out refrigerator and stove (inside and under hood)
Wash and fold three loads of clothes
Help cook dinner, Tiffany cooks dinner and washes dinner dishes
Clean kitchen, change garbage bag if needed
Mop kitchen floor
Read my Bible and Meditate
Clean bathroom and mop floor
Clean and polish furniture
Clean our (knight and I) room, clean and polish furniture
Change bedding in our room, fabric fresh mattress and floor
Vacuum all rooms and dust
Wipe down walls, with the help of children every other week
Wash and fold three loads of clothes
Wash Jon and James’ hair
Clean yard and every other week spray clean outside windows
Help cook dinner, Jon washes dinner dishes, supervise by mom
Clean kitchen, change garbage bag if needed
Mop kitchen floor
Read my Bible and Meditate
Clean bathroom and mop floor
Wipe, dust, clean ceiling fans and blinds
Wash Ashley and Tiffany’s hair every other week
Supervise by mom, Cook dinner with Emily and Marcia and wash dinner dishes
Clean kitchen, change garbage bag if needed
Mop kitchen floor
Get children’s clothes set out for Church service
Read my Bible and Meditate
Cook big breakfast (or go out for breakfast)
Write up menu for following week
Set up budget for the week
Go over lesson plan for the following week
Relax and have fun with the children
Set out clothes for Sunday service
Cook Sunday’s dinner
Clean kitchen, change garbage bag if needed
Read my Bible and study Sunday school lesson MEDITATE
A woman's job is never done, and loving every bit of it. I love being an at home mom and wife, like the movie "It's a Wonder Life". God Bless