Thursday, October 30, 2008

Potty Training 107

Have you ever come to the conclusion that you have reached your limit with potty training? Well, I think I have.
My last baby -a joy- is going through the routine of potty training. He a stubborn, unreasonable, smart, adorable little boy. At times I just want to go for him. But the issue is that he just wants to stay in that unreal form of underwear, called pull-ups. This boy has the nerve to ask for it by name. "Pull-up, mommy." He let's me know when he has to go, but when we get there, he just sits, for minutes on end, nothing, then his reply is "Done, flush!", and all I can do is say "Yes flush, and let's wash your hands." My goodness, he didn't even do anything. And on occasion he will let me know that he made a "poopy", after the fact that, the poopy is in the pull-up. Then he has the nerve to go get another pull-up and says, "Change! I poopy." My goodness, the boy is 33 months old. And all his other siblings, potty trainers #101-#106, were potty trained by the age of 28 months.
I'm thinking about putting him on a schedule, taking him to the toilet every two hours, with the help of his father. I think by us working together, we can get the job done before he turns three.
My schedule: Nothing to drink after 8p.m.
Take him to the potty before bed, 8:30p.m.
Around 10:30p.m., check to see if pull-up is dry. If dry, take him to the potty.
8:30a.m. Take him to the potty.
10:30a.m. Take him to the potty.
12:30p.m. Take him to the potty...
...and so on, and so forth, every two hours until bedtime.
Seems reasonable enough, but who can follow a schedule to a "T" but Martha Stewart?
And I'm not Martha Stewart, so I'm just going to work with him, with the help of his dad and big brother. With God's help, we will accomplish our mission.