Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tiny Talk Tuesday


I'm new to Tiny Talk Tuesday. My name is Tracy and I have Two toddlers James 2years, 10months old and Marcia 4years, 9months. I have seven children in all. All are a joy, but my
toddlers says the darnedest things. This is a picture of my two toddlers (by the way, that's chocolate on his face, and there's dad hiding in the background, and one of their older sisters, Andrianna.)

Today while I was a the computer James comes up to me and asks

James: mommy play nonny (real word sonic)

Mommy: no not now, maybe a little later

James: please play nonny

Mommy: no not now

James: (climbs in my lap, gives me a big Hug) mommy nonny please, (hug) please, (hug) please.
my heart melted.

Mommy: not now come back later mommy busy with puter ( his word real word computer)

James: (walks away with his arm folded) mommy mean

The joy of children, I love them all. James has his please and thanks you down to the tee, but only when it suits him.


Mary@notbefore7 November 25, 2008 at 9:11 PM  

What a cute guy. Doesn't their sweetness just kill you? Oh...such a sweetie!

Happy TTT! Welcome!

Shynea @ Penny Pinching Diva November 25, 2008 at 11:38 PM  

Kids really do say the darnedest things. I have four boys and my days are filled with "boyisms".