Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Have you ever felt that you weren't teaching your child enough, well I came to realize that I'm teaching my children the best way. My two oldest daughters have a blog for class. I give them a topic and they post it in there blog. I check their blog as often as I can, but two days ago I was checking their blogs and found a poem my eldest daughter wrote:

Her words just copied and paste in my blog- (something I should've done four days ago), I have written a poem, based on my family:

"The old year is over,
the new year has come,
we made it through.
Every battle, fought bravely,
a struggle to the very end.
How many battles did we lose?
How many have we won?
We have been knocked down many times,
but every time, we got back up,
and stood straighter, taller.
And standing we shall remain.
The year two thousand eight is forever gone,
and with it, too,
is the present.
But we are still here.
There will be more obstacles,
but together we will beat the "course".
So, with love, joy, and glory divine,
we Pu-raise God for 2009!!!"

So go and check out my girl's blog: http://punkrockmonkeysocks.blogspot.com/ Ash
http://mooseflavoredsocks.blogspot.com/ Tif

You know some where deep down in a mothers heart she knows that her children are intelligent, and I just give all the glory and credit to God who gave mothers the wisdom we need to teach our children.

My little girl is growing into a extraordinary young woman.


The Proverbs Wife January 13, 2009 at 5:56 AM  

Tracy below you'll find a link to the "Working Willingly" guidelines.


Thanks for your support.

Your daughter is a very talented young lady. Her poem is beautiful.

Mary@notbefore7 January 20, 2009 at 8:39 AM  

AMAZING...what a treasure and what a great homeschool idea!

Whitney February 3, 2009 at 3:32 AM  

i absolutely adore your daughter Ashley's will to learn. she's a blessing from God. God bless you and your family, put all of your trust in the Lord and know that He will provide. stay encouraged, sis.
