Saturday, October 27, 2007

Three Days and Counting, Stuttgart, AR

My husband is our Pastor personal driver, and this year he was chosen to take my Pastor and our First Lady to Stuttgart, AR. This is the first time in twelve years of marriage we've been apart. When he first left I was fine, it was Tuesday morning everything was going as usual, until that evening. That's when it started, the questions, Mom when is dad coming home, that was from my seven year old, then the next was the five year old, and the baby he is very irritable. He knew his Daddy wasn't home. This is day three and I'm still hanging on, I miss him so much. He's going to be gone until November 6, That's a long time. He's been calling me every day and night, so that's a help with the missing part. You know when God put two people together they become one, and that's the case with me and my Knight. But I believe this trip is going to bring the bond between us even closer. My blessings are still asking the same question when will Daddy be back and I tell them in a week, but actually it's a week and five days. Just keep us in your prays. God bless.