Wednesday, November 14, 2007

OH NO! Dryer trouble.

This morning I woke up to put my load of clothes in the washer, went to check on the clothes that were drying from last night and found that my dryer is not working properly. So I have a load of wet clothes. I'm going to have to go to the laundry house to dry my clothes. Today is library day so that's going to put us a little behind. I don't like going to the laundry house, but things happen and I'm just going to have to get my self together and go. I give you a update later about the dyer and the Library. God bless.


The Proverbs Wife November 14, 2007 at 11:12 AM  

It is such a drag when appliances are not working. I hope your day still goes well in spite of the inconvenience. Also I checked out your "House Meme".

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